Here are links to the sites mentioned in the video, as well as some others that may help you get started (those followed by "$$" are sites accesible only by paid subscription; others are free):

General information

Ancestry ( - A huge collection of searchable databases and family trees. This paid site is available to research for free at many libraries. ($$)

FamilySearch ( - an enormous collection of searchable databases and public trees, both American and world-wide (free) from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church). 

FamilySearch Wiki ( - an online genealogical guide with links to genealogy databases and online resources, and research strategies. A tutorial is available at (Free)

FindMyPast ( - a variety of collections, but featuring records from the British Isles ($$)

        For a list of the best genealogy sites for beginners, see this article published by Family Tree Magazine.

Visit our Bucksgen Facebook Forum where BCGS members and friends can post your general genealogy-related questions, seek advice or join a convertation to help others.

Newspapers ( - historical newspapers from the 1700's to the 2000's, allowing you to search for a name or other keyword ($$)

GenealogyBank ( - thousands of searchable American newspapers from the 1690's to present ($$)

Military records

Fold3 ( - A variety of historical databases, but featuring military records from the Revolutionary War to World War I ($$)

Cemetery records

Find A Grave ( - A collection of burials from over 400,000 cemeteries in over 200 countries, all contributed by volunteers (Free)

Billion Graves ( - Another gravestone collection, where all the posted graves have GPS coordinates attached (free)

DNA Testing and Education

Ancestry DNA (

Family Tree DNA (

23 and Me (

Bucks County-specific information

BCGS Bucks County Database ( - Contains records of Bucks County names from the 1700's to present, from records donated by local organizations and volunteers (Free)

For a detailed list of other Bucks County resources, visit our Bucks County Resources page (

Pennsylvania-specific information

The Pennsylvania State Archives in Harrisburg ( offers finding aids as well as online searchable databases for birth and death indices, land and military records, photographs, and much more. Visit the Archives to access the wealth of information there:

New Jersey-specific information

The New Jersey State Archives in Trenton ( has online searchable databases, including indexes to birth, marriage, and death records; land, probate, and court records; military and wartime records; and photograph collections.  If you would like to make an in-person visit to the New Jersey Archives, we invite you to view a slide show prepared by our Director of Publicity, Cathy Ivins, showing you how to prepare and what to expect on your visit.

Puerto Rican genealogy

If you are researching Puerto Rican ancestors, download this document on "Discovering your Puerto Rican Roots."