When:  Saturday, January 5, 2019, 10 am to 12 noon
Where:  David Library of the American Revolution
Subject:  English and Welsh Genealogy

 Get Your Wellies On: Wading Through the Records of England and Wales

Click link for printable flyer


You’ve discovered the town of origin for an ancestor who came from England or Wales – now what? This beginner’s level presentation introduces the three primary genealogical resources for English and Welsh research: the decennial population census, civil registration of vital events, and Anglican parish registers.

As part of our 2019 "Around the World" theme, please consider bringing a snack relating to England or Wales - perhaps an old family recipe?  Tea will be served beginning at 9:30.


Roberts photo 


  Christine Roberts


Christine Roberts has recently returned to Bucks County after a two-year odyssey, traveling throughout the U.S. in a motorhome, and then living in the U.K. for four months, sharing her journey on her blog Roots on Wheels. She founded the Bucks County Genealogical Society in 2012, serving as its Charter President for four years. Chris is a graduate of the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records at the National Archives in Washington, DC, as well as Pro-Gen, an 18-month peer-led review of Professional Genealogy, a book by Elizabeth Shown Mills. Chris has also attended two advanced courses at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh and is in the process of earning a Professional Learning Certificate in English and German research through the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. She is a Certified Public Accountant with a Master of Business Administration.

Door Prize: "Tracing Your Ancestors from 1066 to 1837" by Jonathon Oates.