When:  Saturday, August 7, 2021, 10 am to 12 noon
Where:  Virtual meeting via Zoom (open to members and newsletter recipients - see newsletter for registration link)
Subject: One Touch Genealogy Research

One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once


Do you get so excited when you find a new record for an ancestor that you forget to collect the information you need? Does that record shine and glitter so brightly that you are blinded to other vital clues you might need? In his presentation, One Touch Genealogy Research: How to Handle a Record Just Once, Thomas MacEntee will introduce his “One Pass” approach to genealogy research.  Participants will learn the best way to extract as much information as possible from a genealogy record on the first pass! We’ll cover how to save and name record images, how to transcribe and extract information, how to create a quick source citation, and how to make sure you can find the record in the future.


  Diana Elder photo


Thomas MacEntee

Thomas MacEntee is a genealogy professional who’s also a blogger, educator, author, social media connector, marketer, network builder and more. After a career in the information technology field, Thomas started his own genealogy-related business called High-Definition Genealogy. He shares many of his articles and videos for free at GenealogyBargains.com. Thomas says, “I’m a lifelong learner with a background in a multitude of topics and I’ve finally figured out what I do best: teach, inspire, instigate, and serve as a curator and go-to-guy for concept nurturing and inspiration. I believe in success, and that we all succeed when we help each other find success.”